Coordination-based training

Introduction & application

Foundational concepts visualized and explained

Theory translated into practice

Instructional video's and practical quizes

100+ Dedicated exercises

Whats in the program?

  • Interactive quizzes that reinforce learning outcomes and test your knowledge
  • Over 100 diverse exercises designed to enhance coordination across a wide range of sports
  • High quality instructional videos that demonstrate techniques for precise execution
  • Educational slides and visuals that simplify complex concepts, making them accessible for all learning styles
  • A structured build up of theory that progresses from fundamental knowledge to practical implementation in organizations

Who is it for?

  • Performance coaches & athletic trainers looking for a crash course to up-skill themselves in the practical implementation of coordination-based training
  • Physiotherapists looking to enhance their knowledge in the area of performance training & those looking to bridge the gap between medical & performance
  • Organisations looking to deploy a training philosophy across departments to maximise the availability of their squad

Elite performance is about problem solving. The SPP coaches are masters of identifying where the problem lies and addressing it in a holistic context: finding the most practical solution for the people, the movement, and the connections. This is the essence of the CBT module.

Martin BingisserFounder of HMMR Media & Swiss Athletics Coach

Supercharge your coaching.
$249 USD one-time-purchase

2 years access. Consultancy & personalisation of content available upon request.

  1. Pay with the stripe payment link
  2. Use the e-mail you wish to use as a log-in
  3. We process your payment and set-up your account
  4. Meanwhile, download the NEW SPP2 app
  5. Note: If you had an SPP1 account, you will still need a new account for SPP2
  6. We will contact you with your freshly set-up account with-in 24 hours (check your e-mail and junk folder)

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