High Load Trunk Complexes

Level 1

Hanging Abs

Knees to elbows


Alternate knee to elbow

Coaching points

Slight bend in elbows, then use core only, not arms.


2-3 sets
4-8 reps

Hanging Abs

Tuck Chin

Coaching points

-This is a combo.
-It works core strength and ab strength at the same time.


2-3 sets
4-8 reps

Standing Landmine Rotation

From Square Stance (barbell only)

Coaching points

-Same side reps, then change hand position for other side.
-Top hand same as side working.
-Feel smooth transfer of force from foot to bar.


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Ab Rollouts

(stay vertical)


Use a hand roller or use a barbell.

Coaching points

Keep the movement out and back slow and controlled.


2 sets
5-10 reps

High Load Hip-Trunk Complexes

Level 2

Hanging Abs

Straight Legs – Toes to Hands

Coaching points

Keep the movement slow and controlled. Slight bend in arms, then forget arms and use core.


2 sets
4-8 reps

High Load Hip-Trunk Complexes

Level 3

Hanging Abs

Diagonal toe to hand

Coaching points

Keep the movement slow and controlled. Slight bend in arms, then forget arms and use core. Make a strong 45degree shape with the path of the feet.


Contralateral plank w DB row

Continuous Sprinter

Coaching points

Keep stability through the row.


2 sets
6-8 reps

Hanging Abs

Sprinter Switches

Coaching points

Keep a BIG split between legs and hold before switching.


2 sets
5-15 reps total

BB Rollouts

From Feet (push and chase)

Coaching points

Keep movement slow and controlled. Push bar out to your limit then chase feet up. Repeat.


2-3 sets
4-6 pushes

High Load Hip-Trunk Complexes

Level 4

Hanging Abs



2 sets
2-5 each side

Rollouts from Feet


BB or Roller

Coaching points

Keep movement slow and controlled.


2 sets
2-5 reps

High Load Hip-Trunk Complexes

Level 5

Hanging Abs

The clock

Coaching points

Keep the movement slow and controlled. Slight bend in arms, then forget arms and use core.


2 sets
3-6 each direction