Feet touch Wall. Throw for Max distance but keep trajectory low and fast.
Measure to nearest 1/4 metre.
2-3 sets of 4-5 throws.
Feet touch Wall. Throw for Max distance but keep trajectory low and fast.
Measure to nearest 1/4 metre.
2-3 sets of 4-5 throws.
From a lunge position, throw hard and fast to the wall targets.
2-3 sets of 4-6
This is for power endurance in the core.
Use 6kg med ball.
5 reps on each exercise, but add 2 reps if the ball is dropped.
1 set = 5 overhead sling, 5 rotation pass right and left, 5 chest pass, 5 trick shots.
1-2 sets
All the power must come from stretching and recoiling the core – like a sling shot.
2-3 sets of 4-5 throws.
Load the abs like a spring.
Slam ball down and compete with partner for height.
2-3 sets of 4-6
Catch the ball going back. Touch ball behind head.
Kick legs out, load the abs and sling as fast as possible at partner. Aim for target on chest.
1-2 sets – 5-8 reps
Can be done standing as well.
If no aquabag, can use a stick with dangling weights, 2 x 5kg for example.
This exercise is for speed off the ground.
The key is no countermovement (no dipping). You have to keep elastic and fast from the switch into the air.
Keep stiff through the body as you reach high.
This exercise is for speed off the ground.
The key is no countermovement (no dipping). You have to keep elastic and fast from the switch into the air.
Keep stiff through the body as you reach high.
This exercise is for speed off the ground.
The key is no countermovement (no dipping). You have to keep elastic.
Keep stiff through the body as you reach high.
This exercise is for speed off the ground.
The key is no countermovement (no dipping).