Hip-Lock & Pelvic Control – Training

Level 1 – White Belt

Wall slide hip lock

stay vertical


-Off heel or allow plantar ext
-Hold DB variation or punch elbow through
-Start from hip hinge position

Coaching points

-Use from heel if you have calf soreness.
-Make sure you hold at top. And get the inside hip closest to the wall HIGHER than the outside hip.


30 reps in sets of 4-8
Use from heel if calf soreness

Reaching wall spindles

use hurdle whenever possible


-reverse the hip direction from inside to out


2-3 sets of 4-8

Back to wall hip lock


-Plate/DB overhead, or hands only
-Arms across chest

Coaching points

-Push hips forward, keep shoulders/head only touching the wall
-Should feel through the standing side hip


2-3 sets
6-8 reps

Reaching wall lockout


2-3 sets
6-8 reps

Single-leg snatch to hip lock

With plate


-Finish with foot on wall or box if possible
-Execute at 45 degree angle to the wall

Coaching points

-Must hover before foot plant or at top of movement to encourage hip lock
-Throw plate up above head rapidly


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Walking hip lock

plate overhead


-Add DB load overhead, add offset (uneven) DB load
-Barbell overhead
-Can move flexed hip to the side instead of up in front

Coaching points

-Take continuous steps into the hip lock reach pose (without the wall cue)
-Aim to hold for 1-2s at the top of the movement


10 metres each side

Prone hip drop - straight

Coaching points

-keep free leg stable and strong

-get hips close to ground in bottom position


2-3 sets

4-8 reps

Level 2 – Yellow Belt

supine bridge from hands with abduction

Coaching points

-keep hips high and stable
-abduction and adduction must be slow, controlled and maximum range


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

star side bridge with hip drop

Coaching points

-motion must be slow and controlled with top leg not resting on bottom leg


2-3 sets
6-8 reps

prone hip drop - side

Coaching points

-keep free leg strong and stable, abducting maximally
-get hips as close to ground as possible in bottom position


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

supine hip rotation

Coaching points

-keep hips up through entire motion

-create the largest range of movement possible with the free leg


2-3 sets
6-8 reps

Back to wall hip lock open & close (plate overhead)

plate or dumbell


-Off heel or allow plantar ext
– DB or plate

Coaching points

-Use from heel if you have calf soreness.
-Make sure you hold at top. Get free side higher before open and close hip.
-Keep plate HIGH


2-3 sets of 4-6 each side.

Wall Slide Hip Lock

Banded resistance


Dumbells or plate (5-10kg)

Coaching points

-Make sure you hold the hip lock for at least a second before stepping down.
-Use mirror.


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Lateral Wall Slide Hip Lock

Jerry step


Overhead options

Coaching points

-Make sure you hold the hip lock for at least a second before stepping down.
-Use mirror.


2-3 sets
6-8 reps

Walking hip lock (karate)

Plate overhead

Coaching points

-Maintain lock position & feel through stance leg
-Reach up high above head


2-3 sets
10m each leg

Tap to wall slide hip lock

From 20kg plate


Dumbells or plate (5-10kg)

Coaching points

-Make sure you hold the hip lock for at least a second before stepping down.
-Use mirror.


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Reaching wall hurdle spindle with jump between sides

Reach high - fast switch


Coaching points

-Make sure you hold the hip lock for at least a second before switching.

Imaging the leg going around a massive hurdle before holding, then switching.


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Leaning lockout with single switch

Hand position variations


-Barefoot & soft floor/grass (if no calf soreness)

Coaching points

-Switch straight into lock position


2-3 sets of 4-6 each side

Level 3 – Blue Belt

prone internal hip drop with inward rotation

Coaching points

-slow and controlled motion

-do not rest on ground


2-3 sets
4-8 reps

Back to wall hip lock open & close

Fast switches

Coaching points

-keep plate HIGH all the time. Push it HIGH!!


2-3 sets
4-8 reps

Leaning lockout with multiple switches

Hand position variations

Coaching points

-stay LONG from heel to head
-switch fast and keep LONG while switching


2-3 sets
4-8 reps

Explosive wall slide hip lock from low box

Coaching points

-foot hovers just above box (4-8 cm)

-explode from initial contact with the box


2-3 sets
4-8 reps

Barbell tap to hip lock

From plate


-With or without box/plate
-More lateral end foot placement

Coaching points

-Free hip stays high as long as possible before landing
-Keep hips pushed forward


3-4 sets
4-5 reps

Hurdle jump to falling hip lock

Into wall


-Jump over hurdle
-Step & spindle over hurdle
-Arms/medicine ball overhead

Coaching points

-Delayed contact with hands on wall for as long as possible
-Move hurdle further from wall for more difficulty


2-3 sets
3-4 reps each side

Band side anchored overhead hip lock


-Bring arm closest to anchor in front of body for more rotational torque
-Can do with partner

Coaching points

-Reach arm closest to anchor above head
-Hold lock position against band resistance for 3s


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Side Plank Kick Throughs


-height of the box
-shoes or bare feet

Coaching points

-keep body long and strong during the movement
-extend hip fully in front of body


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Fast 1-2 hip lock

Off plate


-Overhead, hands on hips, hands across chest position
-Overhead load (plate, DB)

Coaching points

-Focus on maintaining length through the body vertically
-Bang the foot into the floor
-Hold lock position


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Strong Feet

When we are young we did many things in “bare feet”. That kept your feet, and the “intrinsic” muscles in the feet very strong.

If you have been in boots and runners now for many years, your intrinsic muscles of the foot, and also the calf muscles, can get a bit weak.

So, do some of the above Hip training bare foot. Not all the time, but maybe 50%. Best to wear shoes if you are doing the jumping or “switching” exercises, but the simple ones can be done barefoot.

Level 4 – Red Belt

Hover to hip lock (Smith Machine)



-Change/play with angle of stepping direction

Coaching points

-Begin holding foot just above box
-Produce a stiff step to drive onto the box and continue to elevate the free leg hip into lock position
-Hold this pose for 1-2s


3-4 sets
3-5 reps

Hurdle step bounces

With plate rotations


-Aquabag rotations
-Big spindle steps
-Twisting plate with rotations

Coaching points

-Refrain from going into spindle position (keep hips pointed forward)
-Push for speed through hurdles


5 sets
10 steps

Hurdle spindle to wall (w medicine ball slams)

Slams in end position


-Standing start
-Walk-in start (time pressured)

Coaching points

-Straight arms with throws
-Hover before planting foot on wall


2-3 sets
6-8 reps total

Double-leg split jump to hip lock landing

Stick or light barbell


-90 degree pivot on single-leg landing
-Add multiple switch jumps before vertical jump

Coaching points

-Hold end (lock) position for 2s
-Change direction of turns and starting foot position


2-3 sets
3-5 reps

Barbell press to hip lock

Finish on box


-DB variation

Coaching points

-Simultaneous overhead press with tap to hip lock movement
-Same cues as above


3-4 sets
4-5 reps

Step-up hurdle spindle

Unstable load


-Start from deep lunge
-Start with walk in
-Unstable load
-Overhead load

Coaching points

-Slow, smooth spindle over hurdle and return back to start position
-Can add finish at wall position for walk-in variation


3-4 sets
3-4 reps

Hack squat hip lock



-Have box under free leg at start (must lift up above box height)

Coaching points

-Keep plates pinned into wall – rolling bar up the wall into hip lock
-Bring knee right across and out to wall


3-4 sets
3-5 reps

Band side anchored overhead hip lock switches

Very fast


-Bring arm closest to anchor in front of body for more rotational torque

Coaching points

-Reach arm closest to anchor above head
-Switch fast straight into lock
-Hold lock position against band resistance for 3s


2-3 sets
4-6 reps

Canoe snatch

W aquabag


-Step-up into snatch
-Deep lunge into step-up and snatch

Coaching points

-Swing bag fast across body
-Make a splash with water
-Plant foot straight – aim for target between two lines
-Keep back leg from twisting either direction


3-4 sets
4-6 reps

Level 5 – Black Belt

contralateral db support hip drop

Coaching points

-motion must be slow and controlled

-hips close to ground in bottom position


3-4 sets
3-5 reps

Hack squat hip lock

Open & close


-Have box under free leg at start (must lift up above box height)

Coaching points

-Keep plates pinned into wall – rolling bar up the wall into hip lock
-Bring knee right across and out to wall


3-4 sets
3-4 reps

Spindle jump to 90 degree turn & hip lock at wall

Medicine ball optional


-Medicine ball overhead (land on ball)
-Catch and turn (without hurdle)

Coaching points

-Hold finish position
-Increase distance from the wall for difficulty


3-4 sets
3-4 sets